How Do Bone Conduction Headphones Work?


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Bone conduction headphones are periodically called bonephones, they are headphones that transmit sound waves through the bones in a user’s skull rather than their ear canal. When making use of it, the bones in a user’s skull will tremble and vibrate to magnify the sound waves, permitting users to hear device audio, at the same time keeping their ears free. This help people with a hearing disability more, or people that require to use their ears for keeping up mindful of their environment.

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How bone conduction headphones work

Bonephones use a technique named bone conduction audio technology. In this technique, a transducer converts audio data to vibrations, which move along the user’s bone system to the cochlea, an inner ear system that conveys the information along the auditory nerve as an alarm to the brain. In impact, the user’s skull serves as the device’s speaker. This is differentiated against regular headphones, which radiate vibrations through speakers positioned in or on cap of the outer ear.

Sound is technically merely a vibration of fractions. Lot of people naturally think of vibrations in the air when they imagine sound, but sound can similarly tour through solids and liquids. Thus, flesh and bone can serve as a speaker, because atoms in a solid can vibrate too. In reality, solids convey sound faster than air and water, due to the fact that the particles in a solid are the extensively tightly sealed jointly. This compels solids the best conductors of sound, after it is water, then air, which possess looser particle arrangements.

This may look contradictory, as listeners normally undergo contortion in sound when attempting to listen to something through a liquid or solid. If a listener is underwater, somebody talking above the surface of the water would sound distorted. If loud music is playing next door, the listener naturally comprehends it as hushed. These contortions happen not because liquid and solid are awful sound conductors, but because in both instances, the sound is initially walking through the air, then into the additional channel.

Bonephones are constructed to report for this validity. Majority of models have a strap that encircles around the back of the user’s head, conserving vibration-generating stuff against the body just above each of their two ears. These pads bend over the top of the ear narrowly to support clasp the device in position on the user’s head. Protecting these pads against the user’s skin reduces sound contortion because the sound tours literally from the pads through the skull in one direct shot, without air in the middle.

Uses of bone construction headphones

In extensive, bonephones are utilized to enable people to listen to audio confidentially and while on the move, just like normal headphones. Nevertheless, bonephones are varied because they avoid the outer and middle ear totally. They likewise have an unusual structure that loans itself to physical action, incomparable to lot of primary headphones. For these justifications, they may be chosen over normal headphones by:

  • Gym attenders and additional physically athletic people who prefer headphones modeled to remain on their head while exercising.
  • Joggers or bikers who like to keep their ears clear for on coming traffic or when people are attempting to say something to them while working out.
  • Users who prefer to listen to audio in a social setting and require to be at limited partly attuned to what friends or announcements are announcing.
  • Users with imperfect hearing, whose use of basic headphones may be physically hindered by beneficial technology and lastly,
  • Users with inadequate hearing who would possible experience satisfactory sound quality through bone conduction than through broken ears.


The main benefit of bonephones is that they don’t use the ears. For numerous users, this is helpful because they can make use of their headphones while staying accustomed to the outer world.

Avoiding the ears makes bonephones particularly useful for hearing-impaired users as well because it allows them to hear audio with extra clearness than they were formerly able to through classic earbuds. For instance, a listener who is deaf in one of the two ear would be eligible to listen to audio in stereo through bonephones. Besides, if the listener has a hearing aid, they can put it in while regardless, listening to music through bone conducting headphones.

Bonephones also eradicate the hazard of hearing harm that appears with listening to audio extremely loud through basic headphones. The eardrum is greatly extra fragile than the flesh and bone that bonephones rule on.


Despite the originality and preferred efficacy of bonephones, they have been met by buyers with different answers.

Numerous users concur that the sound quality in bonephones is awful than normal headphones. Particularly, users note that they are normally more quiet and have vulnerable bass frequencies.

There are also downsides to the manual layout. Some users notice that playing music at increased volumes results in an awful or strange vibrating sensation in their face. This setup also results in a specific percentage of sound leakage, which may be a difficulty for those who want to hear something confidentially or listen to something in a calm location without bothering anyone. Besides, users disapprove the fit of the headphones, which, counting on the user and model, can be uneasy.

Bone conduction headphones don’t sound bad. They sound different.

Bone conduction has its origins in the military and healthcare fields and doesn’t compel the eardrum to pass the waveform along to the cochlea. Rather, bone conduction headphones rest against the cheekbone or upper jaw and the vibrations, which imitate an audio waveform, are upheld instantly to the inner ear. Since they aren’t in or over your ears, you can listen to things like traffic sounds or someone else aiming to get your awareness. And since they don’t depend on the eardrum, they can be considerable for peoples with hearing damage.

One shortcoming to bone conduction headphones is the sound quality. They don’t sound bad, but they just don’t sound amazing either. Nicer put, they sound different. We’re not attuned to hearing things through a direct tube from a vibration motor to our inner ear, but if you desire to listen to your surroundings or have hearing damage, they can be the best headphones for you.

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Unlike formal headphones, bone conduction headphones sit on the outside of the ear. This takes off the ear canal open to ambient sound while also conveying music from a mobile device. This makes bone-conduction a smart option for avid cyclists, runners, or walkers who would love to admire music while keeping up alert and conscious of their surroundings.

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